


Age: 35-45, Minimum of 15 experience

The Master is responsible to and reports to the Company’s Operations manager(OM) and Technical Manager(TM) regarding respectively the operational and technical status of his ship. On matters of safety, pollution, and :inspections such as PSC/Flag/Vetting he reports to the ISM_DPA. On matters of security he reports to the CSO.

The Master may add whatever duties to those listed below he believes are necessary for safety, security and environmental/energy policies. He may appoint the ship’s Safety Officer, Navigation Officer, Medical Officer and Environmental Officer. However he the Master remains responsible for all the works performed by his appointees.


The Master works with the Company’s FM, OM, TM, ISM_DPA. CSO, SafeM, CrewM and the ship’s SupM, SupE as appropriate for the various tasks onboard. He may report commercially to the time charterers and/or commercial operators but he must always copy the Company and if he has any doubts for any reason about these orders he is to immediately contact the Company • which is available at any time.



The SSO:

  • Must be a licensed officer.
  • Excellent familiarity with ISPS, ISM, SOLAS and other relevant regulations.
  • Engineering / Bachelor’s degree in a related field (e.g. construction management, Mechanical engineering)
  • Must have worked within the Company at least two voyage.
  • CSO shall verify appropriately and report to the CrewM and MD prior to appointment
  • possession of all valid certificates, including  BOSEIT
  • possession of all valid certificates under STCW and the Flag of the ship for the type of the ship and her trading.
  • be  internally  promoted   from  within  the  Company  or  having  a  personal
  • recommendation from his previous employer, who must be considered by the Company as a first class operator. This recommendation and its verification by MD/OM/I’M will be kept in the Master’s file.  The CSO shall verify appropriately
  • AB per ISPS B 13.1, 13.2 and relevant USCG 33 CF 104.220 should have appropriate knowledge of;
  1. security administration;
  2. relevant international conventions, codes and recommendations; 
  3. relevant Government legislation and regulations;
  4. responsibilities and functions of other security organizations; 
  5. methodology of ship security assessment
  6. methods of ship security surveys and inspections
  7. ship and port operations and conditions; 
  8. ship and port facility security measure;
  9.  emergency preparedness and response and contingency planning;
  10. instruction techniques for security training and education, including security measures and Procedures handing sensitive security related information and security related communications;
  11. knowledge of current security threats and patterns;
  12. recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;
  13. recognition,  on a non discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioral patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security;
  14. techniques used to circumvent security measures
  15. security equipment and systems and their operational limitations; 
  16. methods of conducting audits, inspections, control and monitoring; 
  17. methods of physical  searches and non-intrusive  inspections;
  18. security drills and exercises, including drills and exercises with port facilities; and 
  19. assessment of security drills and exercises.
  20. the layout of the ship;
  21. the Ship Security Plan (SSP) and related procedures (including scenario based training on how to respond);
  22. crowd management and control techniques;
  23. operations of security equipment and systems; and
  24. testing, calibration and whilst at sea maintenance of security equipment and systems

The Master

  • is always incharge of the vessel
  • is the Company’s main representative onboard
  • is the Charterer’s representative onboard
  • advising the Company and charterer when instructions  cannot be followed or are
  • uncertain
  • implements Company policies onboard – trains and motivates the crew in their
  • compliance.
  • ensures voyage orders are understood and complied with
  • checking, himself and with the Company, and signing cargo documents (e.g.
  • B/Lading)
  • ensures compliance with international, national and local laws
  • ensures document format and filing are as per Company guidelines
  • ensures all reports are submitted on time
  • prepares, maintains and submits the vessel’s accounts
  • prepares the monthly statement of wages and cash onboard
  • signs on the last day of the month that the accounts were balanced
  • controls medicines and alcohol and checks for illegal drugs
  • maintains the vessel’s library.
  • IF (S)VDR ONBOARD ensures that he and Deck Officers are familiar with the
  • freezing and recording of (S)VDR data in case of an incident



The Master:

  • advises the Chief Engineer and Chief Officer details of the intended voyage
  • ensures SSMS is reviewed, implemented and uncertainties clarified
  • appoints a Safety Officer and identifies him on the muster list
  • ensures maintenance of safety, security and pollution equipment
  • reports to the Company any matter of risk to safety or of pollution
  • ensures safety equipment is tested and records maintained.
  • ensures adherence to Safety and Environmental policies.
  • appoints Environmental Compliance Officer(ECO) to monitor and also to raise awareness. Master’s discretion but usually Chief Officer with CE or 2E as assisting deputy. Any operational conflicts – e.g. schedules – to be resolved as needed by the Master.
  • shall be present at all Safety Committee meetings.
  • ensures no third party damage due to unsafe operation of the vessel
  • calls upon the CO when he feels his judgment is affected by fatigue


  • The Master ensures
  • the safe navigation of the vessel.
  • The vessel is not allowed to sail from port unless the Master is satisfied with all stress and stability criteria for the voyage
  • A passage plan is prepared.
  • Watch keepers are prepared and fit for duty.
  • Master must personally observe and satisfy himself with each new(to him) deck officer’s personal ability and performance before delegating his responsibility to the officer as a sole watchkeeper.
  • that the Bridge is manned as conditions required.
  • nautical publications needed for the voyage are up to date.
  • issue standing orders for all crew.
  • issue Bridge orders for navigation crew



The Master ensures:

  • the Company/Charterers are informed regarding cargo operations
  • cargo plan is prepared – checks and verifies the plans of the Chief Officer
  • for delivery of cargo without loss or damage
  • for completion of all cargo documents
  • cargo is stowed and secured
  • no hazardous cargo is loaded without his consent
  • stress and stability during cargo operations and before sailing
  • supervision of all ballast and cargo operations
  • the vessel is seaworthy before sailing



The Master:

  • is the onboard MLC contact person.
  • passes information to crew regarding changes in legislation
  • passes information to crew regarding Company policies and procedures
  • ensures improvement, discipline and motivation of the crew
  • ensures STCW I MLC(resting) I OPA90 is followed for hours of work
  • ensures crew certificates(Checklist_064) are up to date and valid for the position
  • ensures the Company is notified of numbing problems
  • ensures embarking crew is instructed on procedures/equipment
  • ensures embarking crew has time to review procedures/equipment
  • ensures the crew is drilled to respond to identified emergencies
  • ensures reporting officers complete crew appraisal B per guidelines
  • is aware of illnesses and injuries onboard.
  • maintains records of drug and alcohol testing


  • An STCW qualified officer appointed at the Master’s sole discretion with notice to the Company including
  • CSO. He is responsible directly to the Master concerning all matters of safety onboard. Monitors drills and compliance with Company safety procedures. Works closely with the SSO to ensure both safety and security and conformance with the SSMS. May chair the onboard safety/security meetings.




  • An STCW qualified officer responsible to the Master and the Company’s CSO. There should never be
  • any conflict in these responsibilities but, at sea, if there are any then the Master is the ultimate authority. Report any such conflicts to the Company as soon a possible.
  • The SSO is responsible for and has the authority to perform all duties listed for an SSO in the ISPS regulations and the ISPS code(Part A and B) plus applicable SOLAS and those of the USCG and the Flag and contracting govermnent(s). Explicit responsibilities are: (ISPS Part A 12.2)
  1. undertaking  regular security inspections  of the ship to ensure that appropriate  security measures are maintained; 
  2. maintaining and supervising the implementation of the ship security plan, including any amendments to the plan;
  3. coordinating the security aspects of the handling of the cargo and ship’s stores with other shipboard personnel and with the relevant port &.siting security officers; 
  4. proposing modifications to the ship security plan reporting to the Company Security Officer (CSO) any deficiencies and non-conformities identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, security inspections and verifications of compliance and implementing any corrective actions;
  5. enhancing security awareness and vigilance on board;
  6. ensuring that adequate training has been provided to shipboard personnel, as appropriate;
  7. reporting all security incidents;
  8. coordinating implementation of the Ship Security Plan (SSP) with the CSO and relevant Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO); and
  9. ensuring that security equipment is properly operated, tested, calibrated and maintained, if any.
  • Further duties include those described either explicitly and/or implicitly elsewhere in ISPS Part B, SOLAS, the regulations of the Flag, relevant RSO(s) and contracting entity(s) requirements and sections of the USCG CFRs – including but not limited to 33 CFR 104.220. The  SSO will complete the Declaration of Security on behalf of the ship and Master.
  • The SSO will confirm. receipt of timely security information from the CSO. He will update the Master
  • and appropriate shipboard personnel appropriately.
  • The SSO works with all shipboard personnel and the CSO on security related issues. On board he
  • reports directly on board to the Master and to the CSO.

Please note, only qualified candidates should apply. Curriculum vitae should be forwarded to [email protected] and [email protected]  citing the Job title as the subject of the email. Please note that applications for all positions close 2 weeks from the day of the advert.